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'Reds Family Media -video-photography-art'

Over 20 Years experience working with the following companies and brands:

For FREE chat or quotation... phone: 07708 372580

"Perhaps the greatest family gift ever!"
Life Stories & Biographies
Faimily Life Stories... where memories live forever
Your Wonderful Life on Film

Reds Family Media is starting a digital home revolution, redefining how we can all get more substance and enjoyment from our family photographs, home video and portrait artwork. 

Amazing and affordable family photography, films & art
great family art makes a home full of happy memories!



Remembrance & Memorial Films & Storyboards
Beautiful and compelling  short films that
celebrate the life of a dear one recently departed.  Pictures, video, music or maybe interviews can timeline a persons life, the family loved, acquaintances and friends who all contributed to a wonderful life.


Most Popular

For FREE chat or quotation... phone: 07708 372580

© 2013 REDS MEDIA. All rights reserved.

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