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Promoting People, Brands & Personalities

Over 20 Years exeperience working with the following companies and brands:

For FREE chat or quotation... phone: 07708 372580

Sports Personality
Small Business
Food & Drink

Reds Media focuses upon helping SME's, Sports People, Artisans and Brands to produce the right video, with the right message, for the right audiences.  Video is a powerful marketing and communications tool in a world where 82% of people watch online video.

Video is a powerful, engaging, persuasive marketing
and communication tool... create the right video,
with the right message, for the right audience


For FREE chat or quotation... phone: 07708 372580

Trusted Independents who work privately and discreetly
to clients brief untill launch or press release

For FREE chat or quotation... phone: 07708 372580

36 million adults (73%  of British population) now access the Internet every day.

87% of online marketers are now using videos.

Many hundreds of thousands of SME's are joining the visual media revolution, as more and more brands and businesses are now begining to coordinate their communications across a plethora of broadcast platforms such as TV, laptop, iPad and mobile phone. 


48hrs YouTube video clips uploaded every minute

We also now live in era of digital communications, where Facebook, Youtube, Google and Vimeo are just some of the exciting  tools for engaging with nation... more importantly your clients.  It's a recognised fact, that 48hrs of video clips are uploaded to YouTube every minute, so whether you are a fan of video or not, it’s here to stay and has become an essential part of the modern marketing mix.


Video is now an expected part of marketing strategy

Video is now an EXPECTED part of a marketing strategy, not a nice to have, not a novelty, its an expected part.  Furthermore, its estimated that video will soon be 90% of internet traffic, where 87% of online marketers are now using video.


For FREE chat or quotation... phone: 07708 372580


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